Universal TV control with Home Assistant

Device integrations

First of all, you need to make sure Home Assistant is able to communicate with your media devices. Most common integrations such as Sony Bravia TV, Samsung Smart TV, Xbox, and many others are already built into the default Home Assistant installation and can be set up from the Integrations menu. For some other more advanced use cases, I recommend installing custom components via HACS. In my setup, I am using the following:

Home Assistant built-in Media Player integrations.
My TV control UI in Home Assistant

Lovelace panels

I will now walk through each panel I am using in my setup. You will have to customize this code to match your integrations, although most media_players in Home Assistant work in a similar manner.

On / Off Switch

You will need to figure out which device can power on and power off your setup. In my case, Apple TV is able to send the HDMI CEC command to my TV, so I just need to communicate with my Apple TV. If you have multiple devices or devices that are not connected to Home Assistant, consider using the Logitech Harmony Hub as an IR blaster.

Here is the custom button-card code for my Turn On button. Other than the custom design, it is a fairly easy code that calls the media_player.turn_on service. I especially like the “haptic:” element which provides haptic feedback on iPhones.

entity: media_player.apple_tv_bedroom
  action: more-info
  haptic: medium
icon: mdi:television
name: Turn on
show_state: false
size: 10%
    - border: 0%
    - margin: 0px
    - background-image: url('/local/buttons/background.png') # delete this if you don’t want to use background image 
    - background-size: cover
    - background-repeat: no-repeat
    - justify-self: middle
    - font-weight: null
    - font-size: 15px
    - padding-top: 10px
  action: call-service
  haptic: medium
  service: media_player.turn_on
    entity_id: media_player.apple_tv_bedroom
type: custom:button-card

Now Playing

I want to have the ability to see what is currently playing on my device – either on the Home Assistant front page or on the media card. This is a conditional card that only appears if something is playing.

    - hold_action:
        action: none
      image: /local/headers/nowplaying.png
        action: none
      type: picture
    - artwork: cover
      entity: media_player.apple_tv_bedroom
        power: true
        source: true
        volume: true
        prev: true
        next: true
        play_pause: true
        when_idle: true
        when_paused: true
      style: |
        ha-card {
            height: 120px
      type: custom:mini-media-player
  type: vertical-stack
  - entity: media_player.apple_tv_bedroom
    state: playing
type: conditional

TV and Apple TV control

Next, I expose both Sony TV and Apple TV media players for additional information and TV controls. I am using the mini-media-player custom card, but you can achieve similar results with the default media player card. The advantage of mini-media-player is that you can hide some control elements and create custom shortcuts. As you can see in the Apple TV example, I am exposing a few favorite apps (sources) as quick shortcuts. Similarly, you could use this to switch HDMI inputs on your TV. See the documentation for more information.

Sony TV and Apple TV player controls

Sony TV

volume_stateless: true
  next: true
  prev: true
  play_pause: true
  power: true
source: icon
entity: media_player.sony_tv_bedroom
type: custom:mini-media-player

Apple TV

  power: true
  volume: true
  when_standby: true
    - image: /local/channels/app1.png #App icon
      id: App1 #Use exact name from media_player sources
      type: source
    - image: /local/channels/app2.png
      id: App2
      type: source
    - image: /local/channels/app3.png
      id: App3
      type: source
    - image: /local/channels/app4.png
      id: App4
      type: source
    - image: /local/channels/app5.png
      id: App5
      type: source
  column_height: 50
  columns: 5
source: full
entity: media_player.apple_tv_bedroom
type: custom:mini-media-player
Drop-down of all sources (apps) in Apple TV

Remote control

I also have a conditional Apple TV remote that appears when Apple TV is on. This is a horizontal-stack of 3×3 buttons. You can find supported Apple TV remote functions here. Please note that each platform has a slightly different naming convention (e.g., “up” for Apple TV is “DirectionUp” for the Harmony Hub). Here is an example of the “up” command in my configuration:

Remote control buttons
icon: mdi:arrow-up-bold
show_name: false
show_state: false
size: 20%
    - border: 0%
    - margin: 0px
    - background-image: url('/local/buttons/background.png')
    - background-size: cover
    - background-repeat: no-repeat
    - height: 43px
  action: call-service
  haptic: medium
  service: remote.send_command
    command: up
    entity_id: remote.apple_tv_bedroom

Live TV with Channels DVR

Finally, I wanted to control my live TV and expose controls for some of my favorite TV channels. I am using the Channels DVR app in my setup which has some amazing functionality. Here is my review:

Home Assistant has a native Channels integration. You will just need to expose your Channels DVR player (i.e., the IP address of your Apple TV) in your configuration.yaml – see the documentation. I am using a custom script that launches Channels on my Apple TV and hides the button-card when the Channels app is active.

Watch Channels script

Channels DVR section in OFF state
alias: Watch Channels in Bedroom
  - service: media_player.turn_on
      entity_id: media_player.apple_tv_bedroom
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 0
      seconds: 2
      milliseconds: 0
  - service: media_player.select_source
      entity_id: media_player.apple_tv_bedroom
      source: Channels
mode: single
icon: mdi:television-play

Watch Channels button

type: conditional
  - entity: media_player.bedroom_channels
    state: unknown
  entity: script.watch_channels_in_bedroom
    action: more-info
    haptic: medium
  icon: mdi:television-play
  name: Watch Channels in Bedroom
  show_state: false
  size: 5%
      - border: 0%
      - margin: 0px
      - justify-self: middle
      - font-weight: null
      - font-size: 15px
      - padding-top: 5px
    action: toggle
    haptic: medium
  type: custom:button-card

Channels player

Since I primarily rely on Apple TV for controls, the Channels player is mostly used to display information and have a drop-down of all sources (i.e., favorite channels).

Channels DVR player with favorite channel shortcuts
type: conditional
  - entity: media_player.bedroom_channels
    state_not: unknown
  type: custom:mini-media-player
    power: true
    volume: true
    icon: true
    next: true
    prev: true
    when_idle: true
    when_paused: true
  source: full
  entity: media_player.bedroom_channels

Favorite channel shortcuts

Finally, I have a few custom buttons that quickly launch one of my favorite channels. This is again a horizontal stack of 3 buttons, here is an example of one:

entity: media_player.bedroom_channels
  action: more-info
  haptic: medium
name: Eurosport 1
show_state: false
show_name: false
show_entity_picture: true
entity_picture: /local/channels/esp1.png
size: 65%
    - border: 0%
    - margin: 0px
    - background-image: url('/local/buttons/background.png')
    - background-size: cover
    - background-repeat: no-repeat
    - height: 50px
  action: call-service
  haptic: medium
  service: media_player.select_source
    entity_id: media_player.bedroom_channels
    source: EUROSP1
type: custom:button-card

Media assets

As you have noticed, I am using a few custom headers and backgrounds. If you want to use the same, here are the .png files:

I am also using a Clear Dark Theme for my dashboard with few minor adjustments.

I would love to see your TV control with Home Assistant configurations, please feel free to share in the comments!

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